Download and Install Appium on MAC OS via Terminal

Before Installing Appium, first you have to install Home Brew software.

Home Brew Installation

Home Brew is a open source software management system that actually simplifies the software installation on MAC Operating system.

1. Launch Terminal and run following command to install Home Brew :

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"



2. Once Home Brew Installation is completed, next you have to install Appium using following commands:

brew install node // get node.js
npm install -g appium // get appium
npm install wd // get appium client

3. After Appium installation, you can easily start Appium Server by just typing appium in terminal.


Appium server will be started on default Port which is 4723

You can also pass parameters while starting Appium server like :

appium --port 4724 --address


--port  //Input specific Port number
--address //Input System IP Address

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