Set ANDROID_HOME Environment Variable in MAC OS
Follow steps mentioned below :
1. Open Terminal and type following command :
cd ~/
2. If you have .bash_profile in computer path then open it using following command
$ open -e .bash_profile
otherwise, create a new bash profile using below command and then open it using command mentioned in step 2
touch .bash_profile
3. Now save below commands into the file
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/pwadhwa/Library/Android/sdk export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/pwadhwa/Library/Android/sdk/tools export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/pwadhwa/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
4. Close Terminal and open new terminal and run following commands to make sure that environment variable is set or not :
source ~/.bash_profile echo $ANDROID_HOME
You should get the Android sdk path as an output after running the above command which means environment vriable is set. Refer below screen shot :