How to Create Executable File in MAC OS

Follow steps mentioned below :

1. Open Text Edit. You will find it under Applications


2. Type commands which you exactly want to execute

 appium --port 4725 --address

#!/bin/bash : This would always be your first line. Just write your command from 2nd line

appium –port 4725 –address : Sample command to start Appium Server


3. Go to format and select “Make Plain Text” Option

Now your file will look like :


4. Just save the file and make sure to uncheck “if no extention is provided, use txt” check box


5. Now right click on file and click on “Get Info” and go to Sharing and Permissions section


6. Update Privilege to Read & write


6. Now open Terminal and execute following commands :

 cd desktop //You have to go to location where your file is stored. As I saved it in desktop folder

 chmod 700 TestFile  // This command will make your file executable and TestFile is File name


As soon as you run the above command, your text file will be changed in executable file


You are good to go now, Just double click on the executable file in order to run it

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