Download and Install Tools Required to Run Appium Script on Android Device
Steps to be followed :
1. Download and install latest JDK (JAVA Development Kit).
2. Download and install Android SDK.
3. Download and install Appium tool.
4. Download Appium Jar file for Eclipse. Just download and save this JAR file for now and will use this JAR later when we create test script.
5. SET JAVA_HOME environment variable which points to your JDK directory’s \jdk\ folder. Refer screen shot below:
6. Set ANDROID_HOME environment variable which points to the Android SDK directory’s \sdk\ folder. Refer screen shot below :
Note: When you download and Install Android Studio, Android SDK Manager will also install along with it. You need to check where the SDK Manager is stored in your local machine. If it is stored in AppData folder, then SDK path would be like below:
Eg: C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
7. Edit Path System Variable and add the Path of following 2 folders into it.
Under Android SDK directory, you would see following 2 folders which you need to add to Path System variable :
- platform-tools
- tools
Note: You need to check where the SDK Manager is stored in your local machine. If it is stored in AppData folder, then path would be like below:
Following are the Steps to Edit Path System Variable
a) Go to Control Panel, Click on Advance system settings option to open System Properties modal.
b) Click on Environment variable option.
c) Search for path system variable and click on Edit Button.
d) Go to Variable Value text field and move to the end of it and then copy path of all 3 folders mentioned above separated by semicolon.
e) Close all opened windows by clicking on OK button in order to save changes.
8. Download Selenium standalone Jar file for Eclipse.Just download and save this JAR file for now and will use this JAR later when we create test script.
9. Download and install Eclipse IDE for JAVA.
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