Automation testing is the best way to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and coverage of your software testing.
Selenium web driver is capturing web automation market because of its features like :
- It’s an open source tool that allows you to write tests many programming languages like Java, Ruby, C# and Python.
- Selenium can be setup on Windows, Linux, and MAC OS.
- It provides an API which is easy to explore and undrestand.
- Selenium IDE – Its a firefox addon that allows to record an playback tests on firefox.
- Selenium Grid – It allows you to run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel.
- Selenium web Driver allows to automate Mobile browser and native apps through Appium, IOS Driver and Selendroid tools.
Why Selenium ?
Selenium is one of the most popular open source web automation tool in the market.
It allows you to automate your functional tests and it can be work on any browser that supports JavaScript.
I hope the information provided below helps you to understand that why selenium is better as compare other testing frameworks.
- Selenium is open source software that one can download and use without any charge and one can also do enhancements in tool as per its requirement.
- Selenium is a tool that can be easily used with an open source IDE like Eclipse.
- Selenium allows you to write tests in many programming languages like Java, Ruby, C# and Python.
- Selenium could be used in windows, Linux and Macintosh Operation systems.
- Selenium supports multiple browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE and Safari.
- Selenium has capability to execute scripts on remote machines parallely.
- Selenium also provides Record/playback feature(Selenium IDE).
- Android/IOS native and hybrid apps automation is also possible using Selenium. There are another open source tools available in the market such as Appium, IOS-Driver and Selendroid. These tools drive iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver JSON wire protocol.